Transformational Conflict

Maintaining a thriving and creative team culture has been a huge focus for MINT over the past 11 years. Creating an environment where the team walks through the door each morning into a supportive and motivating work space is our goal, on the daily.

The topic of conflict has been high on the agenda for the agency for the last 6 months. Where before we had often avoided conflict, we have discovered an alternative way to look at conflict which has been a thought provoking journey. In Brene Brown’s latest book, “Braving the Wilderness” she offers an alternative approach to conflict, choosing to focus on conflict transformation.

“Leaders who do not fully grasp the concept that conflict of some sort is necessary and even desirable to teaming are destined to fail in all but the most routine of work environments.”— Amy Edmondson, “Teaming”

How do we get to conflict transformation?

  • Identify the cause and origin of the conflict
  • Model good communication
  • Identify shared goals
  • Encourage difficult conversations

Where it will take us?

Instead of a dead end, we will hit new ideas, refined thinking and greater connection with our teams. It has required us to putt on a new lens to see different perspectives and to embrace opinions and ideas that we have previously disagreed with.

Next time you see a conflict ahead, run at it and embrace new thinking. It may just lead to a new creative frontier that you didn’t know existed.

By Ambre Harford Birkett

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